Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Truffled deviled eggs for National Deviled Egg Day

November 2 is National Deviled Egg Day, and while normally I feel free to ignore all these silly food holidays, I do have a soft spot in my heart for eggs. And so, for National Deviled Egg Day, which by the way is also my wedding anniversary, I share with you my favorite deviled egg recipe. With truffles, of course. Happy National Deviled Egg Day to all my readers, and happy anniversary to my lovely, egg-loving husband Michael.

Truffled deviled eggs
  • 8 eggs, hard-boiled and peeled
  • 1 Tbsp white or black truffle oil
  • 1/4 tsp plus a little pinch of truffle salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 2 Tbsp creme fraiche or mayonnaise, or more to achieve smooth texture
Cut the eggs in half lengthwise. Remove the yolks and put them into a mini-chopper or food processor with the remaining ingredients. Process until smooth, adjusting the seasoning and the amount of mayonnaise. You should end up with a smooth, light yolk mixture.

Spoon or pipe the yolk mixture into the whites. Sprinkle with a tiny, tiny amount more truffle salt. Serve chilled.


  1. Wow, what a treat! I adore deviled eggs and I can only begin to imagine how good they must be with truffle oil.

  2. Great use of Truffle oil. Really takes them up a notch. Now I want deviled eggs for Thanksgiving!

  3. Looks very good. Can you give me some for free? :D

  4. I would eat nothing but deviled eggs today if given that choice.

  5. And a happy national deviled egg day to you as well. (Yours look much more sophisticated than mine) Love that truffle oil!

  6. Looks delicious! My wife makes great deviled eggs, too. :) :) :)

  7. Happy Deviled Egg Day...but more importantly...Happy Anniversary! I hope you two had a wonderful day together. He is a lucky man!

  8. @Canuck - trust me, once you've had deviled eggs with truffle oil, you'll never go back to pickle relish.

    @Peter - no, but you can have the recipe for free!

    @Tim - how does your wife do her deviled eggs?

    @Monet - thank you for the anniversary wishes! It's 14 years now...feels like a lifetime. :)

  9. it is my fist visit.you write good. visit my new blog.

  10. Finally made this recipe today. Oh WOW!! I don't know how you make it and NOT eat it all yourself!
