Friday, May 22, 2009

Thinking about limoncello recipes

Look what my lovely husband just bought for me! It's at home in our freezer, just waiting for me. Ventura Limoncello, made right here in southern California, from Ventura county lemons, very much like the lemons that are growing in my yard at this very moment, I'm sure.

I'm sure drinking it will be nice. But what about cooking with it? I'm thinking about lemon risotto, pasta with lemon and asparagus, a lemon cake glazed with a limoncello syrup....

But enough about me. What would you do with it? I want to hear all ideas please....

Update on Monday May 25: This stuff tastes great mixed with club soda, but I think it does equally well in the limoncello cake I just wrote about on my LA Cooking Examiner page. Try it - the recipe is really easy - and let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking mixed with vodka and pomegranate juice shaken over ice in a martini glass. That counts as cooking, right?

    Good to see you on Thursday!
