Tuesday, October 9, 2012

15 ways to use empty glass jars for October Unprocessed

I chose the most visible place I could find for my October Unprocessed sticker - my handbag!

This year, for the first time, I decided to take the Eating Rules October Unprocessed challenge. No processed foods for a month. I haven't been perfect, but I've definitely been more aware of what's in the food I put in my mouth. And that's really the point.

Along with all the great recipes and food essays, the October Unprocessed series includes a "tips and tricks" track. My guest post listing 15 ways to use empty glass jars is up now - please do click over and take a look!


  1. #16 - Make preserved lemons.
    Don't spend a fortune buying preserved lemons or struggle with fussy recipes. Do it the In Erika's Kitchen way - simple and delicious...and in an empty glass jar! http://www.inerikaskitchen.com/2009/04/weekend-of-lemon-scones-squares-and.html

  2. Anon - have you made those preserved lemons before? Just curious. :)

  3. Yes! My first batch were ready to use about two weeks ago. They were wonderful in Moroccan chicken and a good alternative to Meyer lemons on pasta with goat cheese - just didn't add extra salt. I've tossed them into all sorts of things (some ideas were delicious and others were misguided) and have used about 1/2 of the quart jar. Filling an empty glass jar with a new batch is on the weekend agenda.
