Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Truffled deviled eggs for National Deviled Egg Day

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November 2 is National Deviled Egg Day, and while normally I feel free to ignore all these silly food holidays, I do have a soft spot in my heart for eggs. And so, for National Deviled Egg Day, which by the way is also my wedding anniversary, I share with you my favorite deviled egg recipe. With truffles, of course. Happy National Deviled Egg Day to all my readers, and happy anniversary to my lovely, egg-loving husband Michael.

Truffled deviled eggs
  • 8 eggs, hard-boiled and peeled
  • 1 Tbsp white or black truffle oil
  • 1/4 tsp plus a little pinch of truffle salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 2 Tbsp creme fraiche or mayonnaise, or more to achieve smooth texture
Cut the eggs in half lengthwise. Remove the yolks and put them into a mini-chopper or food processor with the remaining ingredients. Process until smooth, adjusting the seasoning and the amount of mayonnaise. You should end up with a smooth, light yolk mixture.

Spoon or pipe the yolk mixture into the whites. Sprinkle with a tiny, tiny amount more truffle salt. Serve chilled.


Cookin' Canuck said...

Wow, what a treat! I adore deviled eggs and I can only begin to imagine how good they must be with truffle oil.

Megan said...

Great use of Truffle oil. Really takes them up a notch. Now I want deviled eggs for Thanksgiving!

Peter said...

Looks very good. Can you give me some for free? :D

Jenny said...

I would eat nothing but deviled eggs today if given that choice.

Mags @ the Other Side of 50 said...

And a happy national deviled egg day to you as well. (Yours look much more sophisticated than mine) Love that truffle oil!

Tim said...

Looks delicious! My wife makes great deviled eggs, too. :) :) :)

Monet said...

Happy Deviled Egg Day...but more importantly...Happy Anniversary! I hope you two had a wonderful day together. He is a lucky man!

Erika Kerekes said...

@Canuck - trust me, once you've had deviled eggs with truffle oil, you'll never go back to pickle relish.

@Peter - no, but you can have the recipe for free!

@Tim - how does your wife do her deviled eggs?

@Monet - thank you for the anniversary wishes! It's 14 years now...feels like a lifetime. :)

ALIVE said...

it is my fist visit.you write good. visit my new blog.

Paulette said...

Finally made this recipe today. Oh WOW!! I don't know how you make it and NOT eat it all yourself!

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