Friday, June 14, 2013

The birth of Trufflepalooza: "Meanwhile, Back at Cafe du Monde..."

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Last month I did something I've never done before: I agreed to get up on stage and tell a story.

When Peggy Sweeney McDonald asked me to be part of her food memoir performance series Meanwhile, Back at Cafe du Monde... I said yes. And then, later, I thought: Wait a second. I just agreed to get up on stage? Among professional actors and comedians? And recite a monologue about the birth of my annual Trufflepalooza party?

I experienced a moment of panic. No, not a moment - several weeks.

Turns out once I was up there it wasn't too bad. In fact, look at the length of the video: I couldn't shut up.

I'd written a seven-minute essay that I planned to read. But after hearing a few of the other performances I decided reading to the crowd wasn't going to cut it. When it was my turn, I tossed aside my script and started talking.

Feel free to watch some or all of the video above. Apologies for the length. Next time someone needs to wave red flags at the back of the room (Patti Londre, I'm looking at you).

It's bittersweet for me, watching this, as I just announced yesterday that I'm not holding Trufflepalooza this year due to scheduling conflicts. But I'm already looking ahead to Trufflepalooza 2014.


Libbety said...

Loved it Erika! Good stuff...

Erika Kerekes said...

Thanks Libbety!

Monet said...

Oh Erika! Thank you for sharing! It can be hard to get up and talk but you clearly did a great job! Thank you for sharing...and we'll look forward to trufflepalooza next year :)

Erika Kerekes said...

@Monet - has that baby emerged yet? :)

Sippity Sup said...

As long as I've known you I knew you had a way with the audience. You prove that here. GREG

Erika Kerekes said...

@Greg - thank you - that's a very nice thing to say. :)

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