Thursday, October 21, 2010

Easy apple cake recipe

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The other night I felt like baking. This happens sometimes (by which I mean often) after a long day at work; baking relaxes me. I had apples in the fruit drawer, so I called my friend Judith and asked for her apple cake recipe. She makes it every year for Rosh Hashanah and it's one of her favorites.

Unfortunately, at the moment I called, Judith was busy making dinner and couldn't quickly locate the recipe. So, while I intended to share with you Judith's apple cake recipe, this isn't it. I adapted this recipe from one I found on a blog called The Cookie Shop.

Don't worry, though. When I brought this cake into the office the following day and put it in the kitchen, it was gone in - are you sitting down? - four and a half minutes. I've gotten more compliments from my colleagues on this cake than on anything else I've ever made them, including almond and strawberry jam bars, brownies, and coconut rice pudding with loquats. Which just goes to show that the smell of cinnamon brings a crowd to its knees every time. And that feeding your colleagues is an excellent way to make friends in the office.

I actually made two cakes. For the first, pictured above, I cut the apples into chunks, as the original recipe specified. For the cake I brought to work, I grated the apples, and I think I'll do it that way from now on. The grated apples kept the cake moist and tender, and instead of biting into distinct lumps of cooked apple, the fruit becomes almost a background flavor. It's your choice, though. Either way, it's a fabulous cake.

Apple cake (adapted from The Cookie Shop)
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 Tbsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 1/3 cups vegetable oil (preferably canola or grapeseed)
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 4 large apples, peeled, cored and grated (I used Granny Smith; if you use a less tart apple, you'll probably want to cut down the sugar a bit)
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Spray a large bundt pan with cooking spray.

Sift the flour, cinnamon, baking soda and salt into a bowl.

Put the oil, sugar, eggs and vanilla into the bowl of a stand mixer with the paddle attachment. Turn it on and beat the contents until the mixture is lemon-yellow and light, about 4-5 minutes. Turn the mixer to low and gradually add the dry ingredients, mixing only until the flour mixture is incorporated. Add the grated apples and mix briefly.

Pour the batter into the bundt pan and smooth the top with a spatula. Bake about 1 hour, or until a tester comes out with just a few crumbs clinging to it. Cool 5 minutes in the pan, then turn out onto a rack or a cake stand to finish cooling. Serve at room temperature.


Jandra said...

Apple is my favourite . .
thanks for recipe . . i hate banana . .
wanna try it now . .
thanks again.

commoncents said...

VERY NICE! Congrats on being chosen a BON!

Common Cents

ps. Link Exchange?

The wire season 1-5 dvd said...

looks like delicious!

The Real Handbag Shop Blog said...

That's uncanny! I got up this morning thinking that I really need to unburden my little tree of its myriad ripe red apples and I've been pondering what to do with them this year. Then your blog pops up on Blogs of Note - perfect timing! Thank you! Jane x

Angie said...

That is so beautiful. My husband's office would loathe it though, they hate all fruits, nuts, and veggies. It basically has to be white bread, a chicken finger, or vanilla, they are the most boring group ever. But our family would go crazy over it, I can't decide which would be better, the chunks or grated. I've made apple bread both ways, but never cake, and loved them both equally.

Jim said...

YUMMMMMMMMMMM! I so wanna make this. Nice blog btw should check mine out if you got time.

blessingsgoddess said...

The apple cake looks delicious.

Habibies said...

WoW yummmyyyyyyyyyyyyy thank's for Share :)

Anonymous said...

love this post! looks yummy =) congrats on being a blog of note! please stop by my blog and follow if you want:


Anonymous said...

This is even easy enough for me to try!

Wana said...

wowww... very nice post

kurtlar vadisi said...

looks great, I hope you will try to get on

TeenBlogger said...

I usually don't like cooked fruit (especially apples, raw best friends, cooked...not so much), but this looks AMAZING!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

That looks pretty good and pretty easy. Nice idea to make for the office when you've (I've) managed to make everyone mad at me for something!

Heather said...

Found your site via BON. Well deserved! I love your apple cake recipe because it looks so easy. Might have to give it a try for one of the upcoming holidays! :)

Megan said...

I've been looking for a good apple cake recipe. Thanks!!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Finding YOU has been a DREAM COME TRUE! you are killing me, my hopefully new friend!!! lol.
Why can't it be Rosh Hashanah, like, NOW!!???

Oh, and....where do you work? Are they hiring? :)
I want to get in on the good eating!

Anjie said...

This looks soo good and I love that it is easy to make!

Found you from Blog of Note and it is a well deserved honor!

Erika Kerekes said...

@Handbag Jane - you have an APPLE TREE? That's one of the few things that doesn't grow well here in southern California. I'm jealous.

@Angie - I once had a boss who told me he wouldn't eat anything that had both chocolate and fruit in it. Made things a little difficult, as I like to put fruit in almost everything.

@Caren - I work at an internet company called, and no, unfortunately not hiring. But I'm thinking of doing a blog giveaway of homemade baked goods...tired of the normal packaged food and equipment giveaways. You'd enter for brownies, right?

And thanks everyone for the congrats on BON - I am completely thrilled. It was a total surprise!

@Rocky - now I'm intrigued. How did you manage to tick off everyone in your office?

marla {family fresh cooking} said...

This is looking mighty tasty Erika & I can see why it lasted 4.5 minutes. The idea of the grated apples is smart. I will remember to go in that direction for Fall baked goods.

Anonymous said...


thanks for the recipe, that looks delicious...

Delishhh said...

4.5 minutes? Wow that is impressive. I am the same way, when i need some therapi i cook.

Deb Duchon said...

What a great recipe! Thanks.
By the way, Homer mentioned apples in a verse that describes his orchard:

"Twelve pear trees bowing with their pendant load,
and ten, that red with blushing apples glow'd". . .
The Odyssey, 800 BC

Erika Kerekes said...

@Marla - I think I'm going to try it with pears next. And maybe a little cardamom and/or ginger.

@Delishhh - therapy, yes, I totally agree. When I'm in a bad mood, baking always makes me feel better.

@Jesse - glad you like it! Let me know if you try it - would love to know what you think.

@Deb - that is the first time someone has quoted Homer to me on my blog, for sure. I'm suitably impressed. (And I love the lines.)

Nancy said...

Great recipe! it seems easy soI think I Will try it and tell you the results!

Monet said...

Baking relaxes me too. It is such good therapy...and you end up with yummy food at the end of it. This cake looks moist and flavored with fall goodness. I have made several apple cakes in the past, but I've never tried grating the apple. What a great idea. I'm excited to give it a try.


This looks great but will you ever share Judith's recipe?

Erika Kerekes said...

@Maybelline - I will, as soon as she finds it!

Rachael said...

thank you for the recipe!! made it this evening, looks beautiful!!! am taking it to work tomorrow!!!
did i mention how AMAZING my house smells now!!!??

Totally Random Blogger said...

Your blog makes me hungry!!!

Nancy said...

Hi Erika,

First and foremost... LOOK at your photos - gorgeous!!! I am not surprised this cake went in 4.5 minutes - I think it is a very "mom" kind of cake - makes everyone feel loved and cared for!! I love the idea of grating the apples and I bet it would be delicious with pears and ginger (pear fan here!!)

listentomusiconline said...

yummy, maybe I should go eat something ..ha ha :))

Anonymous said...

Isn't it delicious? It desapears as fast when I make this cake around here too! Glad you liked it!

wisewoman60 said...

Apple cake brings back old memories of my mother. I will try your recipe. Thanks!

g!oW said...

That looks absolutely Yummy. I'm going to try it this weekend. Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

Mmmm! Thanks for the great recipes! :)

Motifs said...

Simlpy wonderful ..a sight for sore eyes.

Tyas Abidin said...

Yummy i love apple,
i want to try make it...
thanks for the recipes :)

Mrs. Baker said...

sound delicious! I cant wait to try it!

Motifs said...

Thank you so sounds great.

Sharon said...

Dear Erica, I have just moved to Japan from Australia and I have no cooking books. They are all coming in our sea freight. Your site has been such a help to me! I have just cooked your apple cake and it is thumbs up from my two cheeky toddlers. They taste as good as they look.

Erika Kerekes said...

@Nancy - thank you for the compliment on my photos. I'm working hard to make them better. Practice, practice, practice.

@Sharon - delighted your kiddies liked the cake. My kids (bigger than toddlers, but still kids) love it too. In fact it's been in their lunchbox every day this week. Welcome to your new home! I hope the transition is going smoothly for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Hey Erika! The cake looks delicious! :) Am planning to make it today. Please let me know if I can add in small chunks of apple instead of grating the fruit. Thanks! :)

Erika Kerekes said...

Anonymous - yes, as I wrote above, I've made it both ways. Either way works - your choice.

Anonymous said...

This looks fabulous and love your tip of grating the apple. It's on my list of recipes to try asap :)

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