Saturday, August 20, 2011

Postcard from New York: Long Island

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That's me at my brother's weekend house, making some Nutella-filled aebleskivers (Danish round filled pancakes). I first made aebleskivers for my nephew and niece last year when they visited us in California. When I asked them if they had any special kitchen requests while I was visiting this week, aebleskivers were the only thing my nephew wanted.

My brother, ever the enabler, ordered an aebleskiver pan from Williams-Sonoma and had it shipped overnight. I doubled the recipe that came with the pan and made about three dozen little pancake balls filled with chocolate chips, strawberry jam or Nutella. I've made aebleskivers with several different recipes; some call for separating the eggs and whipping the whites to stiff peaks, a task I do by hand and thus find particularly tiresome. But it really does make for a better aebleskiver. My brother scoffed at the whisk I offered him and instead whipped the egg whites with an immersion blender fitted with a cool whisk attachment. I might need one of those.

Three dozen aebleskivers just about satisfied five adults and three kids. The Nutella ones were the clear winners. Breakfast for lunch before heading down to the pool - happy family indeed.

Note: I can't find the recipe I used, but this aebleskiver recipe from Scandinavian Food is pretty close.


Bianca@ South Bay Rants n Raves said...

This post just hit home. Literally. I grew up in Nassau County, Long Island & it made me homesick. I should try that recipe too. Change up the same ol pancakes.

Erika Kerekes said...

Bianca - I had no idea you were a Long Island girl too!

Andrea {From the Bookshelf} said...

Those look wonderful. It does remind though, we have not visited our family in L.I. for quite a few weeks. Road trip! (Wonder of I can get my sister-in-law to make those for me!)

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