When I started Not Ketchup at the beginning of this year, I never imagined I would find so many creative, generous people willing to help me on my entrepreneurial journey.
I've been lucky to fall in with a group of other women building natural food businesses. We call ourselves the Women Food Entrepreneurs and we "meet" in a private group on Facebook. Over the past few months we've shared failures and successes, cheered each other on, and (most important) traded practical business information about everything from packaging to vendors to product development to sales.
Keep an eye on us. We are going to be a Very Big Deal.
This week, to celebrate the kids being back in school and the end of summer and the beginning of every food business's incredibly intense holiday season, we're doing a joint giveaway. Enter below for a chance to taste all my fellow Women Food Entrepreneurs' products:
- Caramel sauce from Nicole at The Caramel Jar
- Coconut spreads from Nikki at Nikki's Coconut Butter
- High-protein, gluten-free pancake mix from Caren at ProCakes
- Flavored peanut butter from Sarah at A Loving Spoon
- Granola from (another) Nicole at Blissful Eats
- And, of course, some Not Ketchup from yours truly
Good luck and thanks for supporting us!
a Rafflecopter giveaway