Friday, July 27, 2012

Trufflepalooza in the Los Angeles Times

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Preparations for Trufflepalooza 2012 are well under way. Every plate I own is on the table, wiped clean, neatly stacked. Thanks to Sabatino Tartufi, my entire refrigerator smells like truffles. And I've spent the last 24 hours in the kitchen. I'm happy as a clam.

And then, just now, a little happier, when I saw the Los Angeles Times feature on Trufflepalooza that will be out in tomorrow's food section. Rene Lynch really captured the spirit of Trufflepalooza: not some fussy gourmet fest, but an annual tradition that's about making and eating good food with friends. Also, Anne Cusack managed to get a cute photo of me - not the easiest feat, even for a pro.

If you're here because you read the article, welcome! Some of the recipes mentioned in the article are on this blog. Click below to get to them.
You might also be interested in my entertaining tips for large parties - cooking for 100 people requires a lot of planning, and thankfully I've learned a few things over the years.

Want to get all the recipes I share from my kitchen - healthy family fare, mostly, with a few decadent desserts thrown in - delivered to your email? Click the Subscribe button at the top right.


Unknown said...

Congratulations, Erika! I'm sure it was a delicious event.

Christina | Christina's Cucina said...

These were DEEEElicious, Erika! I'll be making them for sure!

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